Zhao-Heng Yin 

Alex Zhao-Heng Yin

Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley

zhaohengyin (@) cs.berkeley.edu

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◤ Biography

I am a first-year Computer Science Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley. I work on machine learning and robotics at the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Lab (BAIR). I am advised by Prof. Pieter Abbeel.

Previously, I obtained my M.Phil. degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering at HKUST in 2023, advised by Prof. Qifeng Chen. Before that, I obtained B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Mathematics advised by Prof. Wu-Jun Li at Nanjing University in 2021. During M.Phil. research I was also fortunate to work with Prof. Yang Gao and Prof. Xiaolong Wang.

Here is my CV/Resume.

◤ Research

I am interested in understanding how intelligent systems can effectively acquire, represent, and apply knowledge about their environments to solve complex problems. My research focuses on (1). developing new machine learning algorithms to enhance the capabilities of robots and (2). building more scalable robot learning systems. My research goal is to make robots work.

◤ Selected Publications

Some of my past explorations. * indicates equal contribution.

Offline Imitation Learning through Graph Search and Retrieval
Zhao-Heng Yin, Pieter Abbeel
RSS 2024    PDF    Project
Using graph search and retrieval to learn from suboptimal human demonstrations.
Twisting Lids off with Two Hands
Toru Lin*, Zhao-Heng Yin*, Haozhi Qi, Pieter Abbeel, Jitendra Malik
CoRL 2024    PDF    Project
Bimanual dexterous manipulation through sim-to-real.
Rotating without Seeing: Towards In-hand Dexterity through Touch
Zhao-Heng Yin*, Binghao Huang*, Yuzhe Qin, Qifeng Chen, Xiaolong Wang
RSS 2023    PDF    Project    Code
Dexterous robotic hand with touch-only control.
Spatial Generalization of Visual Imitation Learning with Position-Invariant Regularization
Zhao-Heng Yin, Yang Gao, Qifeng Chen
RSS 2023 Workshop   PDF   Code
Spatial symmetry as policy regularization.
Planning for Sample Efficient Imitation Learning
Zhao-Heng Yin, Weirui Ye, Qifeng Chen, Yang Gao
NeurIPS 2022   PDF   Code
We propose EfficientZero-Continuous and EfficientImitate for sample efficient robot learning.
Cross Domain Robot Imitation with Invariant Representation
Zhao-Heng Yin, Lingfeng Sun, Hengbo Ma, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wu-Jun Li
ICRA 2022   PDF   Code
Learning from a similar yet different expert.
DexPoint: Generalizable Point Cloud Reinforcement Learning for Sim-to-Real Dexterous Manipulation
Yuzhe Qin*, Binghao Huang*, Zhao-Heng Yin, Hao Su, Xiaolong Wang
CoRL 2022   PDF
Diverse Critical Interaction Generation for Planning and Planner Evaluation
Zhao-Heng Yin*, Lingfeng Sun*, Liting Sun, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei Zhan
IROS 2021   PDF
TOMA: Topological Map Abstraction for Reinforcement Learning
Zhao-Heng Yin, Wu-Jun Li
arXiv 2020   PDF
◤ Miscellaneous

Some fun projects I participated in the past.

Bio-inspired* Direct-Drive Palmar Manipulation with Visual Imitation Learning
with Ka Hei Mak and Jungwon Seo (2021)
* guess where the inspiration comes from :P

My Chinese Name (surname first): 殷 兆恒.